Why remote work is awesome for Creatives

Alexandre Henneuse
2 min readJan 5, 2023

Remote work has become increasingly popular in recent years #COVID, and for good reason. It offers a level of flexibility and freedom that can be especially appealing for Creatives. In this article, we will explore five reasons why remote work is awesome for creatives. Whether you’re a writer, VFX artist, 2D-3D designer, game developper or architect, the ability to work remotely can open up a world of possibilities for your career and personal life.

There are several reasons why remote work can be especially awesome for creatives. As co-founders of a low latency remote access solution, we have at least 80% of users in the Creative Industries. For 2022, I had set myself the goal of interviewing 100 customers. Here are the 5 main reasons given:

  1. Flexibility: One of the biggest advantages of remote work is the ability to work from anywhere, at any time. This can be especially useful for creatives, who may find that they are more productive at certain times of day, or in certain environments.
  2. Reduced distractions: Working from home can help creatives to eliminate many of the distractions that can come with working in an office, such as noise and interruptions from colleagues. This can help them to focus more on their work and be more productive.
  3. More time for creative pursuits: Without the need to commute to an office, creatives may find that they have more time to pursue their creative interests outside of work. This can help to inspire and rejuvenate them, leading to better work.
  4. Greater control over the work environment: When working remotely, creatives have more control over their work environment, which can be important for their creativity and productivity. They can create a space that is tailored to their needs and preferences, which can help them to feel more comfortable and inspired.
  5. Greater opportunities for collaboration: With the proliferation of online tools and platforms, such as Reemo.io, a low latency, high performance remote streaming desktop, it is now easier than ever for creatives to collaborate with others remotely. This can help to foster a greater sense of community and support, which can be especially helpful for those who may be working alone.

In conclusion, remote work is an excellent option for creatives for a variety of reasons. It allows for greater flexibility in terms of location and schedule, allows for a better work-life balance, and can result in increased productivity. Additionally, with the help of low latency remote desktop technologies like Reemo, it is now easier than ever for creatives to collaborate with team members effectively and access their work from anywhere while still delivering top-quality work. Overall, remote work is a win-win for both individuals and organizations, and is likely to continue growing in popularity in the creative industries.



Alexandre Henneuse

Entrepreneur & software addict. Born at the right time and grateful to have made a living out my love for computing technology. Co-founder @ Reemo.io